Home made pizza Recipe

Home made pizza Recipe

You guys are probably going to be shocked when I say this, but……I’m not a huge fan of pizza. Now don’t get me wrong its delicious and sounds good every once in a while. I’m just not a pizza addict like a lot of people are. When i do crave pizza I like making it at home. Why? because I can make them the exact way that I want them. This is another one of my easy dinner recipes. I would say with prep and cook time, each pizza takes about 30 minutes. NOT BAD!  Continue reading “Home made pizza Recipe”

Chicken Teriyaki Bowls

Chicken Teriyaki Bowls

I don’t know about all of you, but I’m a fan of super easy recipes. Cooking an extravagant meal after a long day of work is the last thing I want to do. Over the years, I have learned to create easy and delicious recipes that make my life simple. The first one I want to share with you all is a chicken teriyaki bowl. If you follow me on Instagram, then you might have seen my story about it. Continue reading “Chicken Teriyaki Bowls”